2 Dec 2021

In November, Gleeson Land submitted an outline application for 45 new market and affordable homes on land to the north of Lyons Road in the popular West Sussex village of Slinfold.

Horsham District Council is currently unable to demonstrate a deliverable 5 year supply of new housing, so this proposal will help the council meet that shortfall and provide a sustainable and high quality residential development, sympathetic to its village setting.

Around 2.3 ha of the site has been set aside to provide formal and informal public open space, including an equipped children’s play area, new planting and a sustainable urban drainage system.

Significant new planting is proposed, helping to create a robust green edge to the northern boundary which will include structural planting and semi mature canopied trees.

The extensive open space will also include a series of ecological enhancements, such as wildflower grassland,  wetlands, bat and bird boxes, habitat piles and hedgehog nest domes to increase biodiversity across the site by over 15%.

In terms of other sustainability measures, we propose an electric vehicle charging point to each property and a commitment to low carbon measures such as heat pump technology and PV panels. Water consumption will be restricted to 85 litres per person per day through the provision of the latest technology in terms of appliances, fixtures and fittings and rainwater recycling.


SW Aylesbury site now formally allocated for 1,490 new homes

Since 2007, Gleeson Land has been promoting land to the South West of Aylesbury through the emerging Vale of Aylesbury Plan (VALP). It was apparent to the Gleeson Team that the land to the south west would be an appropriate and logical direction of growth for Aylesbury and through our technical due diligence, positive promotion, local engagement and extensive representations, the council supported the site as an urban extension of the town.

The site subsequently appeared in various iterations of the VALP as an emerging allocation and we are delighted, that following adoption of the Plan by Buckingham Council in September, the site has now been formally allocated. The key requirements of the allocation are:-

  • At least 1,490 dwellings up to 2033
  • One primary school
  • Multi-functional green infrastructure (totalling 56.33ha)
  • Strategic flood defences and surface water attenuation
  • South West Link Road between Stoke Mandeville A4010 realignment and A418 Oxford Road single carriageway (safeguarded for future dualling)
  • Junction improvements at A413 and A418
  • Provision of a linear park Buffer zone for HS2 and noise mitigation
  • Cycling and walking links

 An outline planning application to deliver the allocation is with Buckinghamshire Council for consideration. With an application of this scale there are many technical issues to resolve and we are currently working with officers and local stakeholders to bring this forward for determination in 2022.